Financial sector development

From decades of experience, we know that the local financial sector which is sound, broad based and capable of effectively channelling resources is an essential part of facilitating a country’s growth.

Since 1995, Tun Consult consultants has been an expert in the sector. Particularly, Founder and Chief Consultant of the company Tunga Sukhbat, CFA worked with central banks and capital market regulators for improved regulation and supervision; advised on establishment of several key financial institutions such as a Loan Guarantee Fund, SME lending institutions and investment funds; supported the privatization of three, and restructuring of four major banks; built the capacity of and designed tools and systems for financial institutions; facilitated the expansion of saving groups to marginalized populations; and led initiatives in knowledge dissemination and advocacy.

Tun Consult’s proven track record in the financial sector development extends across several clients including the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, KfW and GIZ.

We also facilitated Mongolian Institution of Certified Appraisers to develop strategic partnership with International Valuation Standards Council.