Private sector development

As the private sector is the engine of inclusive economic growth, we work to strengthen it while harnessing its power to catalyse high-impact development solutions.

Partnering with government organisations and international development institutions we have worked to improve business environments of industries such as transport and logistics, banking, capital market, agribusiness and manufacturing addressing policy and structural impediments for growth, streamlining business procedures, and encouraging operational transparency.

We understand effective, sustainable changes need an understanding of the political economy of the country or region and capacity to adapt to that environment, and much of our work bridges politics and economics.

We are aware that with private capital flows outpacing traditional development assistance, the vital role of the private sector in global development has increased. The growing alignment of interests among the private sector and development agencies creates a strong opportunity for shared-value partnerships. Tun Consult has developed SDG financing strategy of Mongolia for UNDP mobilising private sector financing reflecting innovative financing structures such as blended finance and development impact bonds.  We also assessed the private sector potential to leverage resources to enable scaled development impact for ADB within its preparatory work of forthcoming country partnership strategy with Mongolia. Consulting for the development of the first urban consolidated logistics center in Ulaanbaatar city, we leveraged private sector innovation and resources for scaled impact in urban development.

We are experienced in market systems and value chain development as well and have worked to devise and carry out innovative market-based system in support of agribusiness supply chain to enhance the ways that rural herders and small businesses interact with growing markets based on sound environmental stewardship. Our approach addresses the root causes of development constraints, empowering local actors in the market system to understand underlying problems and find solutions.

We also evaluate development program impacts and familiar with various international guidelines, techniques and methodologies. We monitor and assess if program outputs are translating into intermediate outcomes and long-term impacts in the context of their coherence and consistency. Assignments conducted in the past include SME Promotion program in Mongolia by GIZ which was implemented for eight years to build sustainable SME support institutions in six leading business sectors of Mongolia, Rural Poverty Reduction Program by IFAD which was implemented for seven years covering 1/3 of rural territory of Mongolia to achieve sustainable and equitable poverty eradication for vulnerable rural household and herders, and the micro-enterprise development program by World Vision in the biggest suburban district of Ulaanbaatar city with the highest rural migrants.

Tun Consult understands deeply that robust monitoring and evaluation is vital for the delivery of successful development programmes and the need to make them smarter and produce more lasting results is continuous.