financial solutions for prosperity


Study of SME financing options, GIZ - 2023

GIZ cooperates with the National Development Agency of Mongolia to transfer knowledge and technology to SMEs. Study was done within the framework of this collaboration

Award-winning start-up Obortech LLC (a digital collaboration platform based on blockchain and IoT), Estonia – from 2019

Business plan and project whitepaper development, financial modelling, valuations and deal structuring at funding rounds, development of strategic cooperation with development organisations, revision of financial reporting in multiple jurisdictions

The first ever, Urban Consolidated Logistics Center in Ulaanbaatar City (130 ha) - 2021-2023

Development of the business plan, financial modelling, deal structuring of $130M combining debt and equity funding, consultations/negotiations across stakeholders including the city government and development institutions

Multinational transportation and logistics management business M&M Militzer and Munch Group, Switzerland – 2018-2023

Advisory throughout the complete cycle of JV establishment in Mongolia including assessment of business environment, identification of opportunities, due diligences, ESG considerations, investment execution, and after deal supports

Science sector expenditure review, UNDP – 2022

The review was conducted to introduce SDG aligned budgeting to the sector.

Innovative financial business, Ard Financial Group, Mongolia and other Central Asian countries – 2022

Valuation of the group’s seven daughter companies such as Ard Bit, Ard Securities, Tenger systems, etc. for annual audit assurance using comparable transactions and discounted cash flow approach due to International Valuation Standards.

Development of integrated strategy to finance Mongolia’s sustainable development policy in alignment with global SDG goals, UNDP - 2021-2022

UNDP promotes countries to develop the integrate strategy to finance their sustainable development agendas within the framework of global SDGs under Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF), a tool developed to leverage countries financial flows for sustainable development.

furniture manufacturer, Doloon Boldog LLC (“Kitchen all” brand) – 2021-2022

Analysis and consulting on financial management to the company’s new state of the art factory built by $ 5M loan from EBRD including development of financial KPIs, advisory to improve liquidity and working capital management

Private sector development assessment of Mongolia, Asian Development Bank - 2021

Assessment was to serve as a strategic and analytical input to the preparation of the forthcoming country partnership strategy with Mongolia by ADB and included assessments of business environment, trade/investment climate and PPP; mapping of key business sectors with focus on supply chain development; roadmap to address policy and structural impediments for growth; and recommendations to ADB on further actions.

Development of guidelines and operational recommendations to strengthen reserve and liquidity management of Social Insurance Fund (SIF) of Mongolia, World Bank – 2021

Mongolia seeks to strengthen the reserve and liquidity management of the SIF and reform its pension system. The assignment was done within the framework of World Bank support to this endeavour.

Engineered wood manufacturer to support sustainable forest management – 2021

Financial restructuring, optimisation of expenses, business valuation and feasibility study of a $33.5M engineered wood manufacturing factory for the owner and a prospective Japanese investor.

what our clients say



The fine line between law and ethics гэдэг үг бий. Монголчилбол хууль, ёс зүй хоёрын хооронд хуруу хирийн л зайтай гэх юм уу. Хууль ёс


  Дараахь шалтгаануудын улмаас мэргэжлийн ёс зүй хөрөнгө оруулалт, хөрөнгийн зах зээлийн мэргэжилтнүүдэд бусад ажил мэргэжлүүдийнхээс илүү чухал болно.   – Үйлчлүүлэгч, үйлчлэгчийн хоорондын харилцааны

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